
¡First Edition of our Tabancura Newsletter!

Dear School Community,

We are delighted to present to you the first edition of our Tabancura newsletter, meticulously crafted by the talented students of the Journalism & Content Creation class.

Attached to this link, you will find vibrant and diverse achievements of our school community, recent events, and important announcements. This newsletter aims to keep you informed and engaged with all that is happening at Tabancura.

Moving forward, we plan to send out this newsletter at the end of every report card period, ensuring that you receive regular updates on our school’s activities and accomplishments. We hope that you find the newsletter both informative and enjoyable to read.

Your feedback and contributions are always welcome and appreciated. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or news items you would like to share for future editions, please feel free to reach out to us.

Warm regards,

Fabrizio Costa & Rodrigo Cuevas



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